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Our Story

Born out of a deep passion for the continent, EDU Africa was launched out of Harare, Zimbabwe during 2003 – a couple of years after the founding members first began exploring the concept of offering travel experiences in Africa that benefitted the community and environment.

Our organization soon expanded and opened offices in Cape Town, Nairobi and then Tanzania, as our core leadership team moved to live close to the communities they formed partnerships with.

EDU Africa initially served groups who visited the continent for non-profit and service-related reasons. Our offering developed organically from there. Today, we have built our organization as a specialist provider of life-changing educational programs and service learning experiences in Africa – for both groups and individuals. Many people and organizations who have traveled with us from the get-go still do so today.

Barry Rawlings, Managing Director & Southern Africa (Central) Director, explains why the our offering is so unique:

“We understand education. We aren’t a tour operator putting an educational spin on what we do, we are genuine educationalists and appreciate outcomes, curriculum and pedagogy.”

He adds that EDU Africa is committed to keeping pace with developments in education on a global scale.

“We understand that education around the world is undergoing a revolution and will look quite different just a few short years from now. We are pushing our programs to increasingly be in step with the global competencies that will be required for the world of tomorrow.

I believe more strongly every day that Africa, in its richness, is the perfect canvas against which to learn about culture, worldview and some of the planet’s great challenges.”

We are extremely excited about what the future holds for our continent, our communities and each and every person that places their feet on African soil. Thank you for being part of our story. May we continue to change lives in and through Africa together.