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In-country & Virtual Exchange Testimonials

Our goal is for each participant to experience holistic transformation during their journey with us while achieving their learning outcomes. We aim to encourage growth in our 5 goal areas: Intercultural Competence, Personal Growth, Global Citizenship, Intellectual Growth, and Professional Development.  Let the testimonials of these students and group leaders speak for themselves:

Ami Price, Volunteer State Community College Faculty

"Overall, I thought everything was wonderful! It was so professionally done, educational, and powerful. One of our attendees texted me yesterday to tell me how much she enjoyed the presentation and that it had moved her to tears."

Student, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

"EDU Africa's Virtual Journey allowed me to become immersed in another culture to a degree that is incredible considering the virtual landscape of the program and it gave me the opportunity to apply my own perspectives and educational experiences in order to seek out and explore solutions and approaches to problems and opportunities related to my own country and others [countries] around the world."

Dr. Bryan Rank, Arkansas Tech University

"These meetings have been incredibly valuable. The conversations have been active and the contributors were great. I am very happy with every interaction I have had with EDU-Africa. It is refreshing to see your focus on learning."

LaTanya Kurney, Coordinator of International Relations, Alamo Colleges District

"EDU Africa presents a thorough and informed discussion of virtual exchange topics and opportunities with partners in Africa. The leaders are professional and well-organized and the sessions are well-attended with high participation and insight. I've attended two sessions so far and look forward to the others. I fully intend to recommend EDU Africa to senior leaders at my institution as relates to comprehensive internationalization in our College district."

Jordan, Belmont University Student

"This trip has taught me so much about the world, I've learned to embrace other cultures and learn from people different than me. I've seen parts of the world that are so beautiful they don't seem real. I've developed a thirst for knowledge about the world and how I can make an impact. I've grown spiritually, emotionally and intellectually during my time in Africa."

Soso Fisa, Stellenbosch University MBA Student

"This trip was eye opening. A great opportunity to challenge myself out of my comfort zone. Great networking opportunities."

Charlotte Kalista, Stony Brook University Physical Therapy Student

"This trip gave me the opportunity to combine my two loves, PT and service work. I am very passionate about both and would never have imagined it to have been as life-changing as it was. In just 6 days, we were able to impact so many people and I already can tell what their progress will be in a year from now. On top of providing service, I now have also grown as a PT myself. I was able to [learn about] my strengths and the power of physical therapy and I plan on carrying that with me in my career."

Emily, Carthage College

"It meant learning something completely new and finding a way to apply it to my life back home. I'm hoping to make some lifestyle changes that will positively impact my own life and hopefully the lives of others someday."

Student, University of Delaware Nursing

"This trip was amazing and I'll never forget it. I never expected in my life that I'd come to Tanzania but i'm so happy I signed up for this trip because being here, doing what we did, and seeing a world so different has changed who I am and how I see the world and I know I'll be a better nurse because of it."

Bryan, Central Washington University

"This trip represented for me, a fundamental shift in my perception of human rights. Theres a difference between studying the subject and experiencing it and I will take a tremendous amount of knowledge home with me."

Student, Towsen University

"This trip has honestly been the best experience of my life and has changed my worldview for the better. I have learned so much about myself through learning and being exposed to another culture. I can use my knowledge to have a new perspective on my life and others, and use it to help others. This trip has given me skills and knowledge that I will definitely use in both my psychology studies as well as my career."

Macaely, Georgia College & State University

"This trip helped me to grow in my ability to relate to others and strengthen my skills that I can use in my career"