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We are extremely grateful to have been selected as one of the Top Study Abroad Providers at the Go Overseas annual Community Choice Awards.

For the Community Choice Awards, Go Overseas looks at the providers that have excelled at offering their students an unforgettable study abroad experience. The awards are divided into five categories – Academics, Support, Fun, Housing, and Safety. This year, EDU Africa was selected for two of these categories – Academics and Support.

While studying abroad offers students the freedom and independence of traveling and exploring the world, it is also time to learn. As a result, academics play a crucial role in the study abroad experience. Go Overseas asked study abroad alumni to rate their academic experience abroad. EDU Africa was awarded first place for the Academics Award.

Similarly, it is crucial that study abroad programs offer students support for all of their needs. EDU Africa had the highest scores in the Support category of these Community Choice Awards.

This is truly a tremendous achievement and we are extremely proud of our amazing team that continues to live out our values of Innovation, Collaboration, Friendliness, Stewardship, and Learning in everything that is tackled.

We strive to ensure that all our participants experience holistic transformation during their time in Africa and that they will become global agents of that change.

As part of this, we are offering two fantastic in-country Individual Study Abroad programs in East Africa this year:

  • Artistic Collaboration with A Purpose: Exploring Art, Music, and Performance in Kenya
  • Ecology and Conservation in Kenya

A big ‘Thank You’ to Go Overseas, to our colleagues in the field who continue to innovate and create opportunities for students, and to our brilliant team. Importantly, we would like to thank each participant who has been on a Transformative Learning Journey with us. You are the reason we continue to do what we do. Thank you. Finally, well done to the other winners of the 2022 awards!