Building Safe and Intentional African Studies and Study Abroad Experiences 8 – 16 June 2025
Professional Development
Building Safe and Intentional African Studies and Study Abroad Experiences 8 – 16 June 2025
Professional Development
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The Community Colleges for International Development, and Madison Area Technical College have teamed up with EDU Africa to offer a seminar that engages faculty and study abroad staff with best practices in intercultural competence, ethical engagement, sustainability, and health, risk, and safety in international education.
The seminar will take an African-centric approach with Kenya as the case study by covering topics such as the importance of oral history and storytelling in learning and study abroad experiences. Excitingly offered for its second iteration in Kenya in 2025 with a widened scope, the Seminar straddles Brackenhurst, a hotel and conference center in Limuru, and the world-renowned Maasai Mara; optimally utilizing the local Kenyan context to demonstrate the opportunities and challenges faculty members, their students and host communities face in the design, facilitation and implementation of study abroad programs.
Majority world countries are often portrayed as dangerous, unsanitary, and unstable by global media outlets and foreign governments, eclipsing the various avenues that exist to prevent and/ or mitigate these risks. This seminar is designed to disrupt these negative portrayals and critically explore concepts and applications of risk, health, and safety in the majority world, and Kenya in particular. Furthermore, this seminar will encourage participants to think through best practices in ethical community engagement and principles of sustainability in study abroad. These are particularly important concepts on the African continent, where the effects of climate change are being keenly felt and exploitation by the minority world continues to occur.
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Learning Outcomes
The curation of this program option incorporated the learning outcomes listed below. However, specific learning outcomes and activities can be constructed in collaboration with our dedicated curriculum development team.
By the end of this program, students should be able to:
Implement and manage models and tools for transformative field studies and experiential learning programs abroad
Keep up to date with best practices for sustainably working with on-site providers and partners
Understand the wealth of knowledge that Africa has to offer in study abroad experiences
Discuss ways in which institutional connections can be built with local Kenyan institutions
Explore models for student data collection, orientation, and documentation of informed consent
Acquire tools to conduct safety audits of program sites
Discuss risk management and planning best practices
Develop site-specific emergency response plans
Apply field studies methodology in the unique and beautiful environment of the Maasai Mara
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