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Exploring Linguistic Diversity

Middle and High Schools

Exploring Linguistic Diversity

Middle and High Schools

Our Programs >> Middle and High Schools >> History, Justice & Culture

Participants will be introduced to the captivating world of languages and education.

Participants will delve into the rich linguistic diversity of Tanzania, including its various indigenous languages and their cultural significance. Through interactive sessions and cultural exchanges, students will develop a deeper understanding of the importance of preserving languages and promoting multilingualism to build inclusive societies. The program will also provide insights into Tanzania’s education system, shedding light on its successes and challenges in ensuring access to quality education for all.

Significant Sites:

University of Dar es Salaam
Zanzibar Stone Town

Learning Outcomes

The curation of this program option incorporated the learning outcomes listed below. However, specific learning outcomes and activities can be constructed in collaboration with our dedicated curriculum development team.

By the end of this program, students should be able to:
  • Analyze and reflect on the role of indigenous languages and multilingualism in Tanzanian society
  • Understand and value the role of linguistic diversity and education in promoting inclusive societies
  • Develop enhanced empathy and adaptability through interactions with diverse linguistic and cultural contexts
  • Demonstrate effective cross-cultural communication and problem-solving skills
  • Work together to address challenges and create solutions
Relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals

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