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Veterinary Technology, Conservation, and Sustainability


Our Programs >> Faculty Led >> Ecology & Conservation

With lectures on companion animal and wildlife medicine, regional conservation topics, and veterinary technology, this program provides technical experience while promoting global perspectives and cultural self-awareness.

It focuses on key initiatives that aim to care for and protect wildlife alongside local communities. Students will gain hands-on experience and insights in wildlife medicine and conservation tailored to their specific goals and interests.

Significant Sites:

Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Zimbabwe
Wild is Life
Ebenezer Africa
Free to be Wild Sanctuary

Learning Outcomes

The curation of this program option incorporated the learning outcomes listed below. However, specific learning outcomes and activities can be constructed in collaboration with our dedicated curriculum development team to create a customized program.

By the end of this program, students should be able to:
  • Contrast the outlook and worldview of those living in highly collectivistic societies with those from highly individualistic ones. In doing so, the impact on many aspects of life will be considered, including veterinary health.
  • Discuss wildlife medical issues and approaches to treatment. This extends to human-wildlife conflict issues such as poisoning, snare removal, and rehabilitation.
  • Identify and describe the role, key challenges, and opportunities for veterinary technicians in wildlife medicine and conservation
  • Identify ecosystem health including environmental toxins, habitat alteration, global warming, and invasive species
  • Understand wildlife health topics such as zoological medicine, biodiversity, wildlife rehabilitation, translocation, disease, and the impact of all these on domestic livestock
  • Identify and describe the ecology of large cats, plains game, snakes, and birds of Southern Africa
  • Examine and contrast African livestock practices, care, and treatment
  • Consider the challenges associated with communities living side by side with conservation initiatives, and National Parks, particularly poaching and human-wildlife conflict
  • Develop a deeper, focused, hands-on understanding of the health matters relating to two key species, the African Lion and the Painted Dog
  • Demonstrate professional competencies through practical engagement with project partners and the application of intercultural communication skills, attitudes, and values in daily interactions
Relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals

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